NSBE-UM Academic Excellence Resources
Career Centers
Location: 515 E Jefferson St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Internships/Jobs (go online and create a profile to view/apply for the available job postings)
Interviewing Skills/ Handshakes
Resume/cover letter critique
Grad school
Major options
Must make an appointment
Open during the following hours:
Monday- Friday: 9am-5pm
Engineering Career Resource Center(ECRC)
Location: 2121 Bonisteel Blvd, Suite 230 Chrysler Center, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Engineering Careers, by Symplicity – job postings, on-campus interview scheduling, career-related workshops/events, schedule advising appointments, career fair research/map
Resume/interviewing skills and mock interviews/job search/negotiating offers
Fall engineering career fair/Winter engineering career fair
Workshops/industry resume critique events/company days
Open during the following hours:
Monday- Friday: 8am-5pm
Tutoring Centers
Location: 1720 Chemistry Building, 930 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Chem 125/126, Chem 130, Chem 210 (walk-ins for help available during specific time frames)
Can request to be apart of a weekly study group ( must schedule a specific time to attend weekly)
Open During the following hours:
Monday - Thursday : 9am-10pm
Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 12pm- 6pm
Sunday: 12pm-10pm
Location: 450 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, Randall Lab 1416
Tutoring for all physics classes including: Physics 140, Physics 240, Physics 340
Walkins for help available
Open During the following hours:
Monday- Wednesday: 10am-9pm
Thursday: 10am-5pm
Friday: 10am-4pm
Location: 530 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, B860 East Hall
Math 105, Math 115, Math 126, Math 214, Math 215, Math 216
Walkins for help available when
Open During the following hours:
Monday-Thursday: 11am–4pm; 7pm–10pm.
Friday: 11am–4pm.
Saturday: closed.
Sunday: 7pm–10pm.
Sweetland Center for Writing Help
Location: 105 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Must schedule appointment
Technical Communications, scholarships essays, essays for any class
They read over your essay and help you further your thinking/ expound on the given topic. Helping you create a more cohesive essay.
Location: 273 Chrysler in pierpont commons
Relatively 101 Tutors (depending on who shows up around the time you are there)
Math, Engr100, Engr101, Physics, Chemistry
Summer Jobs (Engineering Based kids Camps)
Company sponsored lectures
Programming Help (ENGR 101)
Location: The basement of Pierpont
Can help with basic level programming
Mechanical Engineering Learning Center
Location: 2nd Floor of GG Brown
Tutors and office hours help with ME 211, ME 235, ME 240, etc.
Material Science Lounge
Location: 2nd Floor of DOW next to Van Vlack lab
Contact Mina James-Gilchirst for more information minangel@umich.edu
Aerospace Lounge
Location: 1st floor of FXB
Tutors and office hours for AE 215, 225, etc.
Books available for all subjects
Scholarship Directories
University Scholarships
link: College of Eng
link: College of LSA
General Scholarship directory
link: Affordable College
NSBE Hotline
Location: Email
Aerospace Engineering: Aero 201, Aero 205, Aero 215, Aero 225
Chemistry: Chem 130
EECS: EECS 183, EECS 314
Engineering: Engr 100, Engr 101 (mainly Matlab, some C++)
Math: Math 105, Math 115, Math 116, Math 215, Math 216, Stats 412
Material Science and Engineering: MSE 220
Mechanical Engineering: ME 211, ME 235, ME 240
Physics: 140, 141, 241
Location: 1228 EECS
Chemistry (100 Level & Orgo)
Physics (100, 200 Level)
Math (100, 200 Level)
Engineering (101 & by request)
Biology (100 Level)
ME (200 Level through PTS)
AERO (200 Level through SGT)
Can email tbp.campusoutreach@umich.edu directly to request tutoring.
CSE Scholars
Location: TBD
ENGR 101, EECS 183, EECS 203, EECS 215, EECS 270, EECS 280, EECS 281, EECS 314
Eta Kappa Nu (EECS Honor Society)
Location: UgLi Basement or Blue Apple in Bursley
ENGR 101, 151
EECS (183, 203, 280) (Programming)
EECS (215, 270, 314) (Circuits and Electrical Engineering)
Can email
Alpha Pi Mu (IOE Honor Society)
Location: TBD
IOE 201, 202, 265, 333, 373 etc.
Contact Brianna Brydie bbrydie@umich.edu for further details
Beta Mu Epsilon (Professional Biomedical Engineering Fraternity)
Location: Mason Hall
Study groups for 200 level BME courses
Contact Nicole Johns najohns@umich.edu for further details